This is definitely a large breakfast and I only ate half an egg in the end! A strange but absolutely wonderful mix of organic baked beans and garden peas for a double protein hit, leftover from the night before. Grated carrot salad for my oestrogen detoxifier and gut clearer!
All in all a breakfast with lots of different ingredients creates variation for my microbiome. Just make sure you start the day with breakfast and water and then have coffee so you don’t disrupt your insulin levels, your hydrochloride acid levels your stress/ cortisol levels, and your satiety!
Ask yourself what do you fancy for breakfast.
Ask yourself how hungry you are.
Ask yourself if you need coffee.
What you will need:
- 1 or 2 eggs
- 1 cup of organic baked beans and garden peas
- 1/2 onion
- Sprig of mint
- 1 grated carrot
- Smoked salmon
- 1 x slice of toasted sourdough (buttered)
- Cucumber slices
What to do:
- Hard boil the eggs, leave to side.
- Heat a saute pan up over medium-high heat. Add coconut oil and then onions to heated oil with a dash of salt. Saute onions until softened, ~3 minutes.
- Add in peas and beans. Saute until peas are tender but still crunchy, and beans are warmed through, 4 to 6 minutes.
- Remove peas and beans from heat. Add in mint, butter, and lemon juice. Toss through and season with salt and pepper, if desired.
- Grate carrot
- Slice cucumber
- Toast sourdough and butter
- Place smoked salmon on a plate with all ingredients and enjoy a double-hit protein breakfast!
All Categories acid reflux alcohol bacteria bloating bowels broth calories cleanse coffee cold water therapy collagen constipation diet dieting digestion eating ecology energy fatigue food gums gut health hairline hormones ibs inflammation liver menopause microbiome nutrition omeprazole protein recipe rosacea skin sleep stress weight loss