IBS is a symptom and not a condition

acid reflux bloating constipation ibs Sep 18, 2024

The bottom line of IBS is an irritation of the gut lining. The gut lining to get specific runs from the mouth to the anus. Along this Tract, you have accessory organs, or let’s call them stabilisers of the GUT; they are the gall bladder, the liver and the pancreas. Not exclusively, but they are the main organs influencing the GUT.

The Tract is so long and covers so much surface area that it would make sense that so much can go wrong or, let’s say “get irritated”.

Many things are apparent when it comes to disturbing the equilibrium of the gut, and the leading player is food. There is food that heals, food that irritates, and food that poisons.

So, if you are not eating the food that heals 90% of the time, you will likely experience some irritation.

Here are some of the irritations of IBS

  • Bloating: You have a food intolerance because you have overconsumed a particular food and worn out the appropriate enzymes required to break down the food in the first place.
  • Constipation: You have a slow transit and retention time in the gut. Because you are not creating energy from the food, you eat to move the bowel. There are lots of reasons here, but they are the main ones that are often not considered.
  • Nausea: Because of a lack of enzymes to break down the food. It can happen especially after you eat—also, insufficient bile production.
  • Diarrhoea: Because you have toxicity in the bowel, an infection or again lack the appropriate absorption and assimilation requirements
  • Gas: Because you are eating too many carbohydrates, You may have Small bacterial overgrowth blocking up the bowel and creating gas pockets.
  • Acid Reflux: Because of stress, you have low Hydrochloric acid levels and therefore cannot break down the food and create optimum digestion efficiently.

It is by no means an exhaustive list, but certainly, some of the main reasons the symptoms exist. The solutions to these symptoms start with how you eat, what you eat, with whom you eat, and when you eat. Not how many supplements you take, what testing you have done, or diagnosis.

Whilst IBS may be the start of something else or misdiagnosis; the fact remains that if the foundations of good health are not applied, you now have a diagnosis or, unfortunately, a recognised condition of a collection of symptoms you can resolve.

IBS is a very 21centrity issue, and almost a status symbol along with gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant or just intolerant. A more pertinent question would be…what is irritating you? When discussing the gut, I am also examining the brain and the connection that our emotions have with good gut health. Taking enzymes is all very well and good, if not a waste of time if you are not addressing the emotional health of the person that most probably is the driver of an upset gut.

So, if you have irritations of the gut, whether they may be in your head or your gut, here’s some food for thought to pave the way for a highly efficient energy-producing GUT!

Are you happy?
Are you fulfilled?
Do you understand that your happiness comes from you and is not dependent?
What are the 1-2 things you currently do that, if you didn’t, would make you and your gut happier?
Do you eat at the same time each day?
Do you eat good quality food, and could it be better?
Do you chew your food?
Do you have a hobby?
Do you eat a variation of 30 different foods daily?
Do you sleep well?
Do you know your life purpose, needs, and values and are you living them or someone else?

If IBS is a condition, it implies it is something we must live with and therefore affects our daily lives. Rather than trying to eliminate the symptoms associated with IBS, it is possible to wear out and dry the enzymes, acids, bile and hormones essential for a fully functional gut. With this depletion, another actual condition is around the corner.

If IBS is a collection of symptoms, we have the power and the strength to look at the root cause of that symptom and investigate our health in the process. By looking at our actions and emotions, we can be in charge of our health rather than being at the mercy of pills and medication.

Join me on the first Tuesday of every month at 12pm for The Gut Club Sessions, and this month we discuss IBS – click here to get the link to join in.